Jan 10, 2017 · Previously in the series: How To Set Up Your New iPhone the Right Way. Add A Mail Account. No matter if you have a Google, Yahoo, Outlook, Exchange, iCloud or an Aol account, iOS makes it really easy to add these accounts to the settings app. Once you do that, you can start syncing supported services like email, calendars, contacts, notes and more.
Feb 03, 2020 · Enter your name, email address, password, and a description for your account. Tap Next. Mail will try to find the email settings and finish your account setup. If Mail finds your email settings, tap Done to complete your account setup. Is your email account set up? Learn more about using the Mail app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Mar 31, 2020 · If you set up your Gmail account to work with other email addresses, use these to send from iPhone Mail. The Gmail POP server settings are needed to use Gmail on your phone over POP. Enable POP for Gmail if it's not already turned on. Set up Gmail - Apple iPhone X. 1 Before you start. Select Add Account. 5 Select Google. 6 Enter your Email address and select NEXT. Note: the Password is case
The iPhone is a fantastic phone, but if you're a heavy user of Google services, it can be a little confusing to set up your Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts to sync with iOS.
Jan 21, 2015 · If you use Gmail or Google Apps for email, then there are few ways to access your email account on your iPhone or iPad. Even if you’ve already setup your Gmail account on your iPhone or iPad, I strongly recommend to read this article, as you may be doing it wrong. If they sign out or remove their account, they'll need your permission to sign in on that device again. Note : When you sign your child in to Google apps on an iPhone or iPad, they’ll also be signed in to the corresponding website when they use Safari. The iPhone has a mail configuration utility that is used to set up email accounts from almost any provider, including Gmail. Use the iPhone mail configuration utility to set up your Gmail account on your business iPhone. You can also set up the Gmail account you use at your business with your personal iPhone; the process is the same either way. Jul 03, 2020 · How to Add Another Email Account to Gmail App on iPhone. Step #1. First things first, download Gmail App from App Store and open it. Step #2. Enter your email ID and password to set up your first account. Step #3. Once you have reached your inbox, tap on the round profile picture located at the top-right corner.
Set up Gmail - Apple iPhone X. 1 Before you start. Select Add Account. 5 Select Google. 6 Enter your Email address and select NEXT. Note: the Password is case
Mar 29, 2016 · I show you how to add a gmail account to your iPhone 6, 6s, 6 Plus, & 6s Plus. Let me know if you have questions. Subs, likes, shares all appreciated! Thank you. Twitter- https://twitter.com Oct 14, 2019 · How to set up Gmail on your iPhone - XR, XS, 11, 11 Pro Touch Technology Review. How To Set Up An Email Account On iPhone - Duration: 2:32. Payette Forward 26,903 views. Feb 08, 2018 · To set up a Gmail account on your iOS device, head to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Gmail. On the next screen simply introduce your Gmail login information and you are done. A single username and password gets you into everything Google (Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps). Set up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off. Dec 12, 2019 · Adding all of your Gmail accounts to your iPhone is a convenient to stay connected. There are two main ways to set up multiple Gmail accounts on your iPhone, either by using the Gmail app or using the iOS Mail app. It’s a quick process that will allow you to stay logged in to those accounts and easily switch from one Gmail account to the other without having to enter your password every time