Connection refused to host:| Content

Telnet: Unable to Connect to Remote Host: Connection Refused a) Execute "nmap" from server or "nmap IP_ADDRESS" from other computer b) Check file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet. Disable most be set to "no" in telnet file c) Did you install "telnet server" try to check with "rpm -q telnet-server" [SOLVED] port 80 and port 443 for localhost could not Sep 05, 2013

STATUS CODE 58: Can't connect to client. Troubleshooting

Networking :: Telnet: Connect To Address

Mar 31, 2009

Oct 21, 2016 Telnet: Unable to Connect to Remote Host: Connection Refused a) Execute "nmap" from server or "nmap IP_ADDRESS" from other computer b) Check file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet. Disable most be set to "no" in telnet file c) Did you install "telnet server" try to check with "rpm -q telnet-server" [SOLVED] port 80 and port 443 for localhost could not