Jul 29, 2008
Not shown: 65528 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 445/tcp open microsoft-ds 2869/tcp closed icslap 4041/tcp closed unknown 12216/tcp closed unknown 16881/tcp closed unknown 23590/tcp closed unknown I have googled and read thoroughly about closed/filtered differences (and I think that I understood it) but, since there's Strange ports open : AskNetsec - reddit PORT STATE SERVICE 137/tcp filtered netbios-ns 2869/tcp open icslap 5357/tcp open wsdapi * I've been drinking so sorry for being blunt, but what the heck is icslap and wsdapi? I know upnp is "universal plug and play" and ssdp is "simple service discovery protocol". httpapi could be an api perhaps? but the two latter processes i don't recognize PC-2869 - Products - TOA Electronics PC-2869. Ceiling Speakers. Integrated with a speaker unit and panel, the PC-2869 Ceiling Mount Speaker is of all metallic construction and ideal for use in a voice alarm system. It feature spring clamp mechanism for easy speaker mounting to the ceiling. The input impedance can be easily changed by changing the tap position of the transformer. Windows Ports, Protocols, and System Services - TechNet
PORT STATE SERVICE 137/tcp filtered netbios-ns 2869/tcp open icslap 5357/tcp open wsdapi * I've been drinking so sorry for being blunt, but what the heck is icslap and wsdapi? I know upnp is "universal plug and play" and ssdp is "simple service discovery protocol". httpapi could be an api perhaps? but the two latter processes i don't recognize
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loads of failed TCP/IP connections from Port 2869: spyware Aug 13, 2006 GRC | Port Authority, for Internet Port 2869 Probe Port 2869: Enter Port: 0-65535: Goto Port 2870: Port Authority Database Port 2869. Name: icslap: Purpose: ICSLAP: Description: Rumors are that this port is an internal proxy built into Microsoft Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) or Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), though we have never found any evidence of it being open externally. How to fix the UPnP security holes | ZDNet Jan 30, 2013 Improve Windows Security By Closing Open Ports - gHacks