Uninstall. If you want to uninstall ProtonVPN-CLI, run configure first and purge the configuration. Then uninstall through the package manager you used for installation. For PIP this would be: sudo pip3 uninstall protonvpn-cli . Related articles: Disabling IPV6 on Linux. ProtonVPN Android application

Jun 29, 2015 GitHub - gayanvoice/openvpn-install-for-multiple-users OpenVPN Server. Start; service openvpn start Status; service openvpn status Stop; service openvpn stop Remove. Uninstall OpenVPN; sudo apt remove openvpn Remove it's dependencies; sudo rm -rfv /etc/openvpn Prerequisites. Ubuntu 16.04 is no longer supported, use a latest version of OS; Only works with Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS How to install OpenVPN server on Ubuntu 14.04 - A Step-by

Installion: How To Uninstall openvpn On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Apr 24, 2020

How to Search, Install, and Uninstall Software on Ubuntu

Next, we would like to discuss in detail the implementation of the technology using OpenVPN client in an operating system based on Linux kernel. Install OpenVPN on Linux. Since most of the users use based distributions Ubuntu, today’s instructions will be based on these versions. In other cases a fundamental difference in the installation and GitHub - angristan/openvpn-install: Set up your own When OpenVPN is installed, you can run the script again, and you will get the choice to: Add a client; Remove a client; Uninstall OpenVPN; In your home directory, you will have .ovpn files. These are the client configuration files. Download them from your server and connect using your favorite OpenVPN client. If you have any question, head to